Welcome at the Vanmac Group Website
With smart and sustainable technology, we improve our environment

Flythrough Video Vanmac Group HQ
Drone video from september 2023 TRILO Factory and Vanmac Turf Facility in Amersfoort, Netherlands.

If you consider corporate social responsibility of importance, and you manufacture (among other things) machines that are used to collect waste and clear up litter and leaves, the link with World CleanUp Day is easily made. The Vanmac Group and its TRILO® suction units are therefore happy to do their bit for a clean Amersfoort on Saturday 18 September 2021!

Teachers from local educational institutions meet Vanmac and TRILO
To achieve better alignment between education and the labour market, the Amersfoort municipality is developing initiatives to connect teachers with local companies. By introducing teachers to Vanmac and TRILO, they can enthuse students about a future in engineering.
By making optimal use of data, we provide our customers in a smart and simple way with affordable and sustainable business equipment for maintaining landscapes and infrastructures.
Data is important
Measuring is knowing. Based on data generated by the machines at our customers’ premises, we not only improve our machines. Above all, it enables us to serve our customers better. With faster service, tips for more sustainable use of the machines and general tips for improving our customers’ internal business processes.

Our Specialties
Thinking along with our customers. To jointly achieve a safer and cleaner environment.
One of the main objectives of runways/airports is to ensure the highest possible flight safety. And that is quite a challenge. Especially now that air traffic is back to its old, high level after the Corona period. The runways are fully in use and the time frame left for maintenance is under enormous pressure. So solutions to carry out maintenance faster and more efficiently are very welcome. Especially if those solutions also increase flight safety. The Vanmac Group has been studying these issues for years and offers possibilities to contribute to flight safety with a series of unique machines.
One of Vanmac Group’s objectives is to achieve a clean and better living environment for everyone. With the current nuisance of litter in our living environment, this is a great challenge. Vanmac Group likes to think along in developing and building solutions for the efficient, safe and enjoyable collection and clearance of litter.
A “smart” turf field; that is what the Vanmac Group is striving for. Natural grass that tells itself whether it needs water, light or nutrition. Where carefully managed data can tell what the condition of the grass is. A future dream? Not for us!
Achieve optimal playing experience on sports (grass) fields through proper maintenance. Deploy mechanical weed control to reduce the use of chemical pesticides. Maintain turf fields at sports clubs with machines that are more efficient and require less budget. Safely and efficiently removing leaves from roads and urban infrastructure. Just some of our activities within the Sport & Vegetable Technology division. All with the aim of making our living environment cleaner, safer and healthier.